Agricultural and Demographic Data | |
Location Details | |
Latitude | 22.489735 |
Longitude | 92.979271 |
Altitude | 1225m |
Population & Area | |
Total Population | 56,574 |
Farm Population | 37,113 |
Total Area | 1,399 |
Agricultural Data | |
Agro-climatic Zone | Humid Sub-tropical Hill Zone |
Total Cropped Area | 2,133 ha |
Rainfed | 1,496 ha |
Irrigated | 637 ha |
Annual Rainfall | 2,899.10 mm |
Soil Type | Loam to clayey loam |
Cropping Intensity | 110% |
Major Crops (Area) | |
Paddy Jhum | 638 ha |
WRC | 572 ha |
Maize | 370 ha |
Banana | 120 ha |
Chilli | 97 ha |
Mango | 77 ha |
Livestock & Poultry | |
Indigenous Breed Cow | 777 |
Cross Breed Cow | 102 |
Pig | 10,144 |
Goat | 716 |
Sheep | 62 |
Mithun | 1,508 |
Poultry | 125,000 |
Income Sources | |
Primary Agriculture | 55% |
Secondary Agriculture | 12% |
Others | 33% |
Unique Landraces/Germplasms | |
Crops | Siata local Maize, Local rice, Local chilli, Kawlchaw hai (Mango) |
Animals | Zo-Sial (Mithun), Zo-vawk (Pig), Zo-Ar (Poultry) |
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